Friday, December 28, 2007

Damn you Murphy and your stupid law

Jonas went from sleeping tight and dreaming wonderful dreams to waking up with a jerk, to this loud annoying sound. It's only the pipes, said Filip, calmly. But the noise would not stop, even louder it got. Upstairs to the boiler, only geared up with the Flashlight lighter, one person went. Up there the noise even more loud was. What the fuck is going on, Jonas cried. Come hither Filip shouted, you know a thing or two about these boiler-machines. Jonas did not know anything about no boiler ,but up the went and there he saw a small display, displaying the number 2 in a red,digital way. Whats going on, Jonas screamed. The noise was deafening. Möö..ehhhhhiiiihhhhewwwwöööööeeeii, it would not stop. Then! In a sudden flash of spontaneity, Filip pulled out the plug. The silence laid upon them, oh the silence. There was some kind of table, telling you what the matter was and what do do about it. Jonas read. Cijfercodes: 2-Overhitting. Actie: Installatie vullen en ontiuchten. Seems it's been overheated, but what to to about it? We must get the text translated evidently, Filip said. Time past, the house got cold. No warm water came from the taps. Jonas, the brave, decided to try and plug the machine in again, if it was overheated it must have cooled of by now, he thought. He stuck the contact in the socket, the machine started to make that horrible noise again. Oh... Fuck off, he though. But then it stopped, became calm as a sleeping baby. Producing heat, with the display showing a nice 0. Hurray. Hurray. I did it Jonas, the brave, shouted! Is it working, Filip asked. Yes, my dear old friend. It's working fine and I don't think It will bother us no more. About 30 minutes (Filip had settled down with Zelda, and Jonas was writing on this text in peace and quiet) the pipes went like: Möö..ehhhhhiiiihhhhewwwwöööööeeeii

1 comment:

videospel said...

jag glömde att säga det, men detta inlägget var sjukt kul att läsa :)

older shit