Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Filip is laing completely under the quilt. He asleep, like a little high, tired angel who needs go get up to work tomorrow . I'm up. My hip joints hurts. The doctor can't tell what it is. It's been going on since I was eleven. Every join in my body aches, when I get cold for example. I never got any pills that works better then regular painkillers. Something that works on both tiredness and aching joints is CB though, so I went up. But we're out.. managed to gather enough crumbs to roll one up, but it wasn't enough I reckon. Still sleepless, still aches. Going to buy new Polaroid film down town tomorrow I belief, just hope the weather wont stop me. It has some power over me with my bad joints and my, generally, frozen character.

I'll give it a new go now. Leaving you with your thoughts, your doubts and your dreams to come.
Sleep tight.

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